
Friday, September 22, 2017


I've had such a difficult time with my left hand and arm that I've been unable to write for two months. 

👈  Today, I decided to take care of the problem. I hired a new assistant to help me with my typing. 

I can manage the computer but not long periods of typing. So the writing has dried up. I'm getting very antsy about it, too. 


This new guy was eager to start and I'm hoping we can really knock out some words in the coming weeks. I have to have surgery on my neck but with his help, it won't be such a huge setback. 


  1. I was want to + this, but it (like me) doesn't work as it used to. Excellent decision on your part!

  2. I know about the + thing. They took all the buttons off and now you can't. It is very annoying. I have to manually share it. I have extensions on my browser that lets me do a + for G+ and one for twitter and pinterest.

    The photo was totally unexpected. I was watching something and the cat crawled up and put his paws on the keyboard. Too funny. I couldn't resist taking the shots. It's a funny cat.


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