I got a newsletter from writer, Randy Ingermanson, with an interesting article. I won't put the whole thing in here. I haven't even read it all. I did read the headings, however, and found that they probably summed up the whole thing. I'm sharing them, with a tip of the hat to Mr. Ingermanson. You can visit his site here: http://www.ingermanson.com/index.php He has some interesting stuff on his site. Mr. Ingermanson has a PHD in physics so he's no idiot. I found his site years ago and even downloaded a free novel. It was good. He knows his stuff.
In light of my personal challenge, WRoE, I found this surprising.
"Tactics of a Winning Novelist". by Randy Ingermanson
1. Write on a consistent schedule.
2 Keep a log of your writing time and word count.
3. Give yourself a weekly quota.
4. Find a critique group or critique buddy.
5. Constantly study the craft of fiction.
No, go read my Writer's Rules of Engagement.....I'm pretty smart!