Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Month of Summer Camp

 Camp NaNoWriMo
It is that time again... Summer Camp for Writers! Yes, I'm doing Camp NaNo again this year. This will be my second camp session. I did it last year and worked on the November NaNo novel from the previous year. This year, I'm hoping to finish that novel during this camp session.

I've been busy with other things of late and have not really cracked the file open to plan what I'll be writing. No surprises there. Life has been very hectic and stressful. It doesn't help that I'm a pantser for the most part. The more I write, the more I understand the value of planning.

This story is almost finished but whether it is any good is debatable. I've got a few folks who've read it and like it so, maybe this one will get a thorough clean-up once I finish the first draft.

If you've never done November National Novel Writing Month because you think it is too hard or too intense, Camp NaNo is a really good place to start your adventure in writing. You set your own word count. You start a new story or work on an existing work. Whatever you want. This year they opened private "cabins" so you can even get with people you know. There's more but you can visit the site and take a look for yourself. Click the photo and it should take you there.

If you join us, leave a comment. I'd love for you to keep me posted on your experience and progress.

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