Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Buckle Up, We're Going to Crash

I don't know why things happen the way they do or why they happen when they do. I just know it is darned inconvenient. I was working on a couple of items, my anthology story, a power point presentation on Character Development, and the recent NaNo novel, All That's Holy. My laptop virtually exploded.

I said virtually. The screen went blank and the thing was making a noise like those seat belt warning buzzers in an old Plymouth. The system crashed, but I had to remove the battery to shut it down. Unplugging and turning it off didn't work. By then it was so hot I had to set it down. Once it cooled, it wouldn't come on. I just put a brand new hard drive in it three weeks ago. I'm annoyed.

But I've calmed down and ordered a new laptop today. I'm just glad I have my trusty desktop. I don't care what they say, desktops are still more reliable. I've been having some issues with it, too. I just discovered today that my suspicion was correct; the hard drive has some bad sectors. The one from
the laptop is small but after having researched, I find I can put it in the desktop! If it wasn't damaged in the crash.

Because of the above events, I've been unable to do any writing. In fact, Grammarly sent me an email to say I haven't written anything all week. Ya think? It was going very well, too.

I did get the laundry sorted thanks to my friend, Sue who came and helped me wash, fold, hang, and put away six loads. When I have problems with pain and fatigue, I simply can't get it all put away because the very act of sorting, folding, and hanging creates severe pain in my neck, shoulders, and back. So, it usually piles up in the spare room. I do a little here and there. but it is never finished before I have to wash the next three loads. Since David and his family will be here Saturday for the holiday, I had to get it all done. And it feels wonderful.

Now, I'm going to just attempt to get some things done before this desktop crashes again. On second thought, I'm going to take a nap.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

One Snowy Night

Originally published on Multiply
Written 12/18/2007

We set off along the path that lead down to the church. The snow crunched beneath our feet and our breath hung in the air in clouds. The night was filled with that hush that one only hears during a heavy snowfall. Around us the trees creaked beneath the weight of snow and ice in their branches.

Occasionally, we heard a snapping sound followed by a crash as a limb gave way beneath its load. Everything has a breaking point, I thought.

My heavy coat gave me a sense of warmth but everywhere the air touched was chilled. My cheeks felt frozen and my lips numb. The tip of my nose tingled. I pulled my scarf up, around my face, leaving only my eyes so I didn't fall down. I'd probably be all right if I did fall. The ground was like a feather bed.

Just west of the church we came out of the trees, near Harper’s pasture. The moon was above the horizon and glowed through an opening in the clouds. I could see the church on the left and the Cooper place on the right. Their tall spruce decorated in colored lights glowed against the snow-frosted branches and turned the snow beneath it into a multicolored carpet from an some exotic land.

Lights glowed from every window of the Cooper home. They were a large family with half dozen children. Always when I walked by I could hear laughter or the wild chattering of playing children. It was a happy place. Even the snowman, in his scarf and slouch hat, wore a grin and waved.

I slipped my gloved hand into the crook of Tom's arm as we passed the end of the rail fence around the pasture. He smiled down at me and my heart leaped from the highest peak. He could still do that to me, after all this time. I slipped on a patch of ice and he steadied me, still smiling.

As we passed the church, Deacon James was leaving and he tipped his hat to us. Mr. Irving and his boy Billy slogged across the church yard toward the warmth of the sanctuary. It was such a lovely little church. I thought how much the windows looked like precious gems set in the walls. I suspected the windows of Heaven would look much like those windows, with their glowing jewels and the light of God illuminating them.

As if to confirm it, in the stillness it seemed as if the voice of an angel floated out on the air and up the road, flowing among the houses and into the mountain valleys in the distance. It was Maggie O'Hara, singing O Little Town of Bethlehem with the choir. I doubted if any angel could utter notes as beautiful as Maggie.

The blanket of snow that lay over roofs and mountainside alike reflected the silver of the moon and created a strangely comforting landscape. I looked up the road and in the distance, I could see the lights of the other village houses along the hillside. We lived on the edge of town and from here, the warm, soft glow was as peaceful and serene as ever a place could be. We walked in silence past the church and as I hugged Tom’s arm, I thought there was no place on earth I’d rather be tonight than in this snow covered place, listening to an angel’s voice sing of the new Savior of the World.

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