Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 30 of Quarantine

We've reached the 30 day point at last. I was hoping we'd be done with this thing by now but the politicians are so busy trying to milk this thing for as long as possible I think. You can't believe anything the news media say about it. Numbers are being manipulated, or they're not. People are dying, or they're not. China lied, or they didn't.

I'm keeping a check on the numbers released by Indiana State Department of Health. Not near as many hospital beds used as I expected. Not near as many ventilators either. In fact, the numbers are about what we've seen in China. In Indiana, just over 48000 tested and of that, 8000 have the virus. Of those there are just over 400 deaths. That's 5%. I think the expected was 3% but that's not surprising either.

We've stayed in and only do shopping when we really need something. Doesn't mean we're not stir crazy. Neither Sarah nor I are gadabouts. We like staying home but there are times we want to just go somewhere and have a sandwich or get a drink. Not having the choice is hard.

I haven't been writing. The computer crashed and I've spent a week trying to get it back online. At the moment, everything seems ok but does one ever know? I'm also homeschooling Sarah. To say it is challenging would be an understatement. She's such a sweet kid, but she has challenges that seem to overwhelm her. When faced with difficult material, she just becomes overwhelmed and want to quit. Fortunately, I've dealt with both her uncle and her dad with this issue so I'm aware and can handle it. That's not to say I don't have an urge to brain her at times.

Overall, I'm feeling much better. I'd love to go back to the gym and work out, but the pills I bought seem to be helping with my pain. It is considerably less and I'm sleeping better most nights. My hips still ache and make walking hard but that shooting nerve pain was worse and it is such a relief having that get better.

I'll make this short today. I haven't focused on writing topics, I know, but I'll get back on track as soon as possible. Was I ever on track?

Stay safe and stay home until this is over.

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