Saturday, November 1, 2014

Evansville NaNoWriMo Begins!

Today was the NaNoWriMo Kick-Off for my region. We had a nice turn out. Fifteen people all total. That's a little more than half I planned for. I had a lot of fun seeing everyone, a few for the first time.

I took photos this year. I don't know why I never have done that before but I always forget. The fact that I have a camera on my phone, albeit not a great one, made it easy this year. I intended to get more but simply got busy writing.

We had the kick off combined with a write-in this year and I liked doing it that way. One of the local libraries hosted us. Eleanor, our contact there, set it up and it is a nice big room. She also provided us with coffee and chips. We've got Saturday write-ins scheduled there all month. 

Now the hard part begins... 




  1. So glad that I could make it (late)! You put on a great kick off, and I'm excited about working with this group this year. Now to combine my projects and see what my word count was for yesterday before getting started again.

  2. I'm glad you could join us, Rae. I'm glad you're a part of both NaNo and the writing group.


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