Sunday, August 2, 2015

Flubbed It!

Yep, I flubbed it. I got 9 days in and the roof literally fell in. If you've followed along on Life on the Ledge you know I've had ceiling problems, in addition to others. That took two weeks to resolve. So, writing any story was nearly impossible.

I also had to go to Arkansas the last week of July to pick up my granddaughter and bring her home. I was gone a week. I had expected to write then too, but there was simply too much going on.

Now, the room is fixed and repainted and she was happy with the changes. The electrical problem is fixed. We got back on Friday.

But I flubbed it.

It wasn't a total loss, in my opinion. No writing is wasted and I learned some things.

1. Writing short stories, even short shorts, is harder than novels most of the time.
2. Thirty short stories in 30 days is probably impossible. But I'd like to try it again.
3. Never try to write 30 short stories in a crisis.
4. Taking my own challenge and writing the stories I managed to write inspired me and made me feel better about myself as a writer.

So, I've designed a button for myself to put on my blog. I am not ashamed of my failure. In reality, it wasn't a failure. I learned a lot. I had fun. All but that ceiling part. That wasn't fun.

Feel free to use the shorts photo if you too flubbed. If you happened to complete 30 shorts in 30 days, you can have this one.

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