Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Good Day's Work

That's the number of words written today in Hidden in the Mist. Not a bad day's count and I think the words were pretty good ones for the most part. It actually took me less than 2 hrs to do it so it is really good work.

We're in the homestretch now. I should be done in less than 10k words, maybe 5K. That would be nice. I'm at 94,000 already. My original word count expectation was 100,000 words and I reduced it to 90,000 because I didn't think there would be that much but the story took a turn and now... well, I'm almost to my original count. And I'm almost DONE with this mess! The only real annoyance is that I'd rather be done with a novel I actually like.

I've not had a good month so far and it is shaping up to be a total disaster in many ways. The car is in the shop. The house insurance payment didn't go thru and they've canceled it. I have to get both those fixed tomorrow! That insurance thing I've been trying to get resolved since mid-May and I'm ticked because they did this to me last year! I will be changing insurance companies next time.

My pain level is about maybe a 3. That's tolerable. I didn't get enough sleep last night and was up before I actually started hurting this morning. Maybe that's the trick? Still, I feel tired, despite lying around dozing for several hours this morning. I don't like doing that because I get nothing done! I haven't touched the paint in two weeks! That will never do.

So now to try and get a few words in one of the other novels. Or maybe I'll just do the next chapter in the same one. I'm not usually so prolific so I have to make hay while the sun shines.

Speaking of... today is a gorgeous day. The temperature is 81 right now with a gentle breeze and bright blue skies. I'm on the back patio under the red umbrella and I don't want to leave anytime soon.

I hope you find your perfect spot today and can enjoy it. Try and write something new or work on something old.

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