Saturday, January 6, 2018

Saturday Author Focus #1

I've decided to try something new. Well, you know it gets pretty boring around here and I have to try and create excitement, particularly in light of the fact that I'm sick with a cold this morning. Of course, ideas that come when you're ill can turn into nightmares. So, we'll see.

Here's what I'm doing. On Saturdays, I'm going to start featuring an indie author's Facebook page. Sometimes, it will be an author I've read but sometimes it may not. Sometimes it may be a mix of both. It will also include links to any review I've written about the book.


Because I've learned that getting exposure as an indie author is difficult. Because there are a lot of good ones out there and people who read should at least get familiar with them. I just told someone you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince. You will read a lot of books that suck by inexperienced and even uneducated writers. However, it is that one good writer that enraptures you and keeps you coming back for more.

So, I have decided to post links to the pages of authors I'm running across in my ramblings and I hope anyone who is reading this will pop by those pages and see what they offer. My blog may not have tons of followers but I also post it on my FB pages which is growing a bit. If they find a book they enjoy, I hope they will share as well. I hope, by doing that, someone might sell a few books and some of those books will make the readers fall in love and want more.

Focused Authors

Today, I'm focusing on two authors I've actually read. I found them on a couple of Facebook groups. One book I purchased and the other was offered free on Amazon.

The first is Joseph Wozniak and his book, Blind Faith, is an excellent Christian novel. I don't generally read books with young protagonists or sports-centered but I took a chance and it was well worth it. My review is on Goodreads and Amazon. I encourage you to check this one out. No, I encourage you to buy it. It would be a great gift for a teenager.

You can connect with Joseph on Facebook here: Joseph Wozniak

The next author I discovered is Marcus Miller. Marcus' book is The Forgotten Man. I like suspense, mysteries, and thrillers. This covered all the bases and I truly enjoyed it. It does include strong language. You can see my review on Goodreads or Amazon. Oh, and if you read Marcus' profile on Amazon, you'll feel as if you got a mini-adventure story.

You can connect with Marcus on Facebook here: Marcus Miller.

There you have my first two highlighted authors. We'll see how this goes. Read their reviews and see if you would be interested in either of these two books. Leave a comment on their pages to encourage them.

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