Friday, March 16, 2018

You Want the Good News First or the Bad News?

Let's start with the bad news. The past week has been long and painful but it ends with less pain and a lot of indigestion (GERD). Go figure! The meds I take for my RA cause stomach irritation and I have to take meds for that or I'm really sick within 24 hours and it takes a couple of days to get it under control. Well, they just released a study that says prolonged use of the very thing I take for the GERD causes kidney damage. So, I'm thinking I can alternate maybe. You know, take it ever other day.

Uh.... no.

Now, I'm considering whether I can drop the anti-inflammatory med (the cause of the GERD) to once a day. This is not a decision I'm going to like, actually. I'll regret it in three days. Pain will probably escalate, no, not probably, it will escalate.

See, what most people don't know is that all those meds they give you to stop joint destruction and lower your immune response, they don't do a darn thing for the actual inflammation and the pain that resulting from that. At least, not for me they don't. I have to take an NSAID to prevent pain from the RA.

Yes, that's the same reaction I had when I realized it. How do I know? I know because I tried going off the NSAID only once and I've had to go off it several times for medical reason. It ain't no picnic, sugar. Tylenol(c) works pretty good but that causes liver damage with prolonged use.

So, at least I get a choice! Liver damage or kidney damage? Someone flip that coin, please.

The good news is that despite a sore foot, sore knee and two sore fingers and a lot of sleepiness, I was able to put in a few hours this week working on the story line to All That's Holy. I'm trying to workout the religious organization that has such a big part in the story and to get the relationships of the surronding provinces since they're involved it what is going on. Truthfully, I don't really know what's going on and this is an effort to clarify it for me.

Look, this is a NaNo novel so it was written very fast and although it is a really good story, it is much bigger than NaNo and the very act of writing a NaNo novel means there is a lot of things missing.

I'm rather happy I got to work on this much. I had planned to do some writing, because working on related things generates the desire to jump into the writing, but I simply had so much fatigue that I couldn't focus after an hour working with the background.

Not a horrible week. Not totally unproductive but I didn't do exactly what I wanted to do but not a total loss. I can live with that.

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