Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A Matter of Detente

Today's post isn't about writing except that I'm writing it. You see, this week I've been traveling. In fact for a small town girl, I've done a lot of traveling in my lifetime. In that time I've seen a lot of public toilets and this has resulted in a pet peeve, actually a couple of them. The first one is toilet paper. Yes, toilet paper.

I'm not sure you're aware but all toilet paper is not created equally. Americans have vastly improved toilet paper and I believe this is probably a solution to world peace. If everyone had soft toilet paper, there might not be so many wars. Let's face it, corn cobs and something approximating sandpaper were the thing until the 20th century when Northern produced what they called the first splinter-free paper.

Wars until then were pretty rampant. I suspect that European toilet paper may have been a major factor in WWI, WWII, and probably the Korean War. This is not to belittle the horrors of those wars but had someone come up with something more humane for personal hygiene, perhaps all those crazies that started the messes might have been happier. Who knows the emotional and mental damage of getting a splinter, well, where the sun doesn't shine. I'm so happy Northern took the initiative. They should have won a Nobel Peace Prize but it hadn't been invented yet.

Of course, I don't think the war changed things in some locals. When we lived in Frankfurt, Germany in the 70's I was horrified at what passed for toilet paper in public restrooms or WC's as they call them across the pond. It was more like construction paper with a texture of crepe paper. I kid you not. Needless to say, I bought my TP at the Army Commissary. When I came back to the states I was relieved (no pun intended) to find that particular European fad had not caught on in the US. While US TP in public restrooms is not quilted or squeezable, it is also not an art project. It is more like an experiment in the theory of melting. I think they've mastered the process of getting the paper to dissolve quickly and completely in fluids. They forgot the purpose of the stuff.

This brings us to my second pet peeve which, if I'm truthful, should be my first one. Number 2 (again, no pun intended) is toilet paper dispensers in public restrooms. Yep. Those honking big clunkers hung on the wall of every public restroom in America are my number 2 pet peeve.

This week has opened my eyes to the horrible conditions in public restrooms across America, particularly in State rest stops. I mean, come on. We're the nation who created the Empire State Building, The Arch in St. Louis, the Hoover Dam, and the Golden Gate Bridge. You'd think we'd figure out how to hang a toilet paper dispenser. Really. We landed the first man on the moon, for heaven's sake! This is not rocket science.I mean, who hangs these things?

The ADA has a set of specifications for making a bathroom accessible for handicapped persons. Their recommendation for TP is 18" from the floor. I am willing to bet even handicapped folks have problems with the toilet paper in restrooms. I mean, 18 inches isn't even above the toilet seat.

Another problem is that it seems 18 inches means different things to different people. I have had to perform some ridiculous acrobatics to obtain toilet paper. Once, I had to actually bend over and reach about 7 inches below knee level and up into the dispenser to get the paper out. Another time, I could rest my arm on the top of the thing. That time, I had to lean back and reach behind the dispenser to get to the paper.  Once I visited a restroom that was a single toilet. The dispenser for the toilet paper was across the room, three feet away. The list goes on.

Correct placement
I'm not sure there is a solution to this massive problem but I'm advocating immediate reevaluation of this guideline and retraining of all maintenance personnel in the correct method of hanging toilet paper dispensers. In fact, I have a simple method that, if followed, will ensure that all dispensers will be located where everyone can easily access the contents. Hang the stupid things four feet off the floor and just ahead of the toilet seat. That's it. You just reach out and grab the paper.

I know many of you will not take this seriously but I do not believe I'm the only person in the world who has a problem with these things. Another thing you should remember is that Freud attributed criminal and deviant behavior to problems in potty training. Imagine how many people are being scarred by the struggle to obtain toilet paper. I'm telling you. War could be imminent.

Friday, June 1, 2018

First Interview & Other Minutia

I feel so important now. Fiona Mcvie just posted an author interview with me on her blog! It is so thrilling. My first interview. OK, maybe I'm over-reacting but really, it was a lot of fun and now I feel like I can do this.

I've been running around for a few days now and having a hard time remembering what day it is. Sarah is out of school and without that schedule to keep up on track, we're both asking all the time "What's today?" I don't feel so bad when she asks, too.

I've still got some painting to do to the chairs but I have to go buy more paint. At the moment, I'm working on a child's park bench that belonged to Sarah when she was a tot. It is really a lovely bench and made of oak and iron. Rather than sanding and staining the slats, I'm painting them a hammered bronze color. I'll post photos when I'm done.

It has rained so much that the ground feels a bit spongy. The heat and humidity are miserable for more than a few minutes so I'm painting in bouts, coming in to cool and dry off. We did need a good soaking rain and I believe we got it. I just wish it had cooled us off.

Guess what I did today? Put away laundry! Yes! Yes! I did it. I still have some sheets and towels to do but I can do that sitting and watching t.v. later. I got everything hung up and just have to move it to the closets. It didn't take long, a surprise there, and I was so relieved. The only drawback is the severe pain in my trapezius that is setting up a migraine. I've discovered that is one of my triggers.

Sarah is leaving next week to go to Arkansas for two months to spend time with her Dad. She always looks forward to seeing him and spending time with him but she hates to leave home. I'll miss her terribly and I know her mom and other grandparents will as well. I won't have to get out of bed early until August unless I just want to get up.

Had a weird experience yesterday. I was exhausted because I had not had enough sleep the night before and went to sleep in the recliner. When I woke up I could see fine out of my right eye but my left one was as blurry as if I'd been wearing the wrong glasses. It took three hours to clear up. I'm wondering if it was a visual migraine. I started having them about 5 years ago and they're very odd and frightening. Today, I have a real headache just over that eye. I'm about to take some meds for a migraine in a few minutes. No, I didn't call the doctor. There was nothing to show them. I just couldn't see, even with my glasses. But you know what, I could feel the difference in the eyes.

I'm off now to wait the meds out and see if I can organize a writing project I've set for myself. Everyone have a wonderful weekend. Just use caution in the heat.

Do visit Fiona's blog and read the interview. Read several and leave her a comment on them if you enjoyed it. Well, leave me one, too!

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