Monday, September 10, 2018

Moving Better but Writing ... Not

So, how is September going for you?

For me, meh. No writing, unless you count this post but I've got a lot of stuff done in the house. Move a bit of furniture but hated it so moved it back. Swept floors, washed and put away tons of laundry. I still have the blasted sheets to do but don't I always. I hate folding sheets!

What's happening in your writing world? Come on! Spill the beans. No one here but me and you so just tell it already.

The best news I have today is that I've had so little pain with my joints that I'm a bit freaked out about it, thankful but freaked. I don't actually know why I've had so little pain. I had a horrible backache all night Saturday and yesterday. My lower back is just giving me a fit lately but I suspect that's because my weight since my surgery is ridiculous. And the mattress is not working. Yes, I need to address the weight issue but until recently, I could do very little physically.

I do have some speculation as to why my pain is better but it seems so off the wall I don't want to even tell it. I am going to tell the doctor if this trend continues until I see her.

Here's the thing. I started taking a supplement at least a month ago that I've never tried before. I did this because I ran across some disturbing information that I should have had before but didn't. MRI's with contrast put a heavy metal into the body. Whatever is in the dye is a heavy metal. Did you know that? I didn't. You know what I think when I hear the word dye... Rit. Yep. Apparently, this is not the stuff that comes in a little box or bottle at Wal-mart.

I looked up side effects while biting my nails and ran across this article: I had one reaction that I remember. I felt very hot and as if there was tiny pellets vibrating under my skin. This was during the MRI and I told them about it. I did not like it. They said it was nothing to worry about. Uh... WRONG! 

That said, I researched heavy metal removal and found that Spirulina and Chlorella help do this. I went on Amazon and researched there until I found what I felt comfortable ordering. I've been taking it a month. And... well, I feel better. I can't explain it.

There is one problem. I've been taking diphenhydramine at night to help with my sinuses and because it really helps me sleeps better. I noticed once before when I took this that I had less joint pain. I researched for a connection to Benedryl and RA but found nothing but a study done in 1952 using Phenergan. It wasn't much help. However, recently I used Google Scholar and pulled up numerous studies that reference diphenhydramine and a treatment of RA! Totally stunned. The studies reference a drug called Remicade, which I do not take, and pretreatment with diphenhydramine. Skimming what I could from the abstracted posts, it appears that and acetaminophen together helps in some way with side effects/allergic reactions. ?? It was mostly greek to me but I was able to get a little logic from it. Now I want to know if my doctor will have a clue.

Don't care if she does or not. One or both of these have helped my pain levels stay way down and if I could lick the fatigue, I'd be jumping through hoops. I feel constantly tired enough to fall asleep if I lie down.

Now? Well, now I just want to sit down and write but when you feel this good and things are so far behind, you feel guilty not doing what needs to be done. I don't think I can win. I really don't.

For now, I'll just stay busy. Staying on my feet and moving around seems to keep me awake, although, I still feel very tired. I do hope your September is progressing well.

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