Thursday, January 7, 2021

A New Year! A New Year?


Happy New Year, Writers! And Wannabe Writers! I hope you began it with good health, happiness, and a desire to write more this year.

I had COVID-19 in October. If you read my other blogs or you're on my FB page, you probably already know about that. There's even a video on YouTube where I look like a groaning hag. 

I wish I could say that 2020 was a productive writing year. It was anything but. To save time and save boring you, my attention span has been pretty disrupted. I'm not sure why, but once I caught the virus, it got much worse. Two and a half months later, I am still struggling and I can't seem to get over the cough. 

BUT! I did some writing in December. Not really writing, but I started working on an old mostly complete NANOWRIMO story from 2010 with a plotted ending. I read thru it again and it surprised me how much I liked it. I began writing chapter summaries to organize it in my head. I can print these summaries out in Scrivener and have them handy as I write the ending. I need several chapters to get the ending finished. I suspect it will be below 80K words, maybe below 70K, but I don't think I care at this point.

There is a second NANOWRIMO novel that is nearly as complete as this one, so perhaps they will serve as a catalyst to get me moving. 

I have two more chapters to edit for my friend's book, and that seems to focus my mind more. I enjoy editing but it is a long arduous process. I do some line edits if I see something it needs, but I lean toward developmental editing. 

So, there's writing in my future, but my health will determine how much I get done. My RA appears to be under control at the moment and the fibro isn't raging. The virus playing havoc with my system insured that my immune system was too busy to bother with those issues. I need to get back to the gym. I gained back the weight I had lost, and I can tell I'm weaker because I'm not moving. 

I need to plan my days to incorporate my morning devotionals, the gym, and the writing and worry about the rest afterward. 

Please have a wonderful new year. Keep using a mask and keeping your hands clean. This virus isn't just a cold. I had a very mild case, but I have a close friend who is seriously affected by it. She failed an eye test, has neurological issues, neuropathy, and is forgetting simple things like which toothbrush is her's. This is not just a potentially deadly virus, it is disabling for some. One moderate case of it, and I do not want to catch it again. 

May God's grace and mercy keep you and bring you through a blessed year.

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