Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Getting Back to Work

 I spent the evening working on the Journeys Anthology and a poem that will be in it. I was so pleased with it after I finished it but I had to record it so I could hear it. 

Just reading poetry isn't enough for me. I have to hear it. Usually, I read favored poems aloud. I don't read novels or other written material that way. No, I don't know why. After hearing it, I fell in love with it. I think, although I'm sure it isn't perfect, it is some of the best writing I've done. 

Or maybe it just reflects my life so well I can relate to it. ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ

I've pulled items for as far back as the 70s for this thing. So embarrassing. I was only 15, but I really thought my writing was pretty good. Well, it probably was for a 15-year-old. 

It's been interesting to see my development over the years. I knew it was a thing but have never observed it this close.  Now I have to do a final compilation before figuring out how to get it up on Amazon. 

I'll keep you posted. 

A Little BIrd Told Me

I shared this episode on Facebook first simply because it was there. However, I like to keep track of the drama here. So, here ya go. If you've already read this, you can move along to something really interesting. 

Got sidetracked by drama.  

A tiny bird got into the house. I tripped and fell over the recliner when it flew by. Jet and Kiki went on the defensive. It landed on the desk and Jet was on it in a second. He got it in his mouth. 

I yelled. "NO!"

Mike yelled from the garage, "What's going on!?" 

I yelled, "A bird got in the house! Jet's got it!"

"What?" he yelled back. (He's lost his hearing aid.)

I got up, Jet took off, followed closely by Kiki, followed by me, followed by Mike.

I yelled, "JET STOP!"

He stopped in the hallway with Kiki, but when he saw me he tried to run. I grabbed his tail. Yes, I know. Not cool. But he had this tiny bird in his mouth!

He dropped it. 

I reached down and picked it up. It was so tiny it fit in my hand. It fluttered and flew back into the living room. Jet went after it. 

He caught it again. I made him put it down. I reached down and the stupid bird flew under the bookcase. We couldn't find him.

Mike got down and looked under it with his light. I looked behind. I even took a stick and swept around. Finally, it flew out and into the kitchen. 

Jet took after it. It landed on a water bottle on the counter beneath the paper towels.

Jet was standing on his hind legs, watching.

I grabbed a dishtowel and caught him. 

Mike opened the back door, yelling at the cats to get back. I took the bird out and shook it off the towel. The little thing was so small!

It landed on the patio. We closed the door.

After things settled down, Mike checked the patio. The bird was gone. 


All I can say is, My Life. Eat your heart out.

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