Monday, January 13, 2014

No Matter Where

We traveled to Mena, Arkansas on Friday to be at my youngest son's wedding. I have to tell you, that's the longest trip by car I've had in a long time. I carried my laptop because my WRoE requires that I make time to write, no matter what. We were to go down on Friday and come back on Sunday. I knew there would possibly be a time I could just sit down with it for a few minutes. It was a good thing I did.

We left at 7 a.m. and a 9 hour trip took 12 hours due to an accident on the highway that detoured us over an hour around noon and we finally got to stop and eat around 2 p.m. Around 5 p.m. I opened my laptop and started working. I was able to get +400 new words in the work I'm editing. I was kind of elated. My oldest son, Mike, drove all the way there and back. So, since I had a full charge on the laptop, I had no excuse at all. I didn't need light as my keyboard is back-lit. I found I actually like writing in the car. I carried a lap tray and my car is roomy enough I had room in the passenger seat.

The wedding was Saturday and was rather hectic but later that night, when we got back to the house and everyone was gone, I sat down and did some more editing. I was pretty tired and managed to only edit a chapter. I'm not finished with it and because I was so tired, I want to go back over it.

Today, since I'm home, I'm going to attempt to get in a lot more done on the editing. My writing buddy, Doug, is really cranking out the words and says just writing seems to be helping. I think that's always true and even I've finding it easier to just stick to it. The editing makes me want to write but I know if I stop to do that, the edits will never get done. The goal is to finish a work.

So, no matter where I am I probably can find a way to write if the time is there.

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you found the time. Hope the wedding went well.


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