Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Plotting the Plan

I've been doing some writing today. Not a lot on my primary project, The End of Winter, but I'm OK with it for now. I'm a bit under the weather and depressed so writing anything is a major effort.

In the spirit of planning, today I tracked down the calendar I've used for the previous two years to help me plan my writing time. It actually helps if I stick to it. I'm going to give it another try. It can be downloaded here:

I usually print it out but right now the Amazon price is reasonable and much cheaper than if you print it yourself. And it has a lovely cover on the purchased version.

The site is really a great place for all kinds of ideas. For example, in light of the new year and setting goals, here's a article that is filled with lots of ideas:

Hope you can find a use for these. As for me, I'm getting back to my writing.


  1. Marvelous!! I must set up a calendar (but I'll use Google Calendar) for my writing and my quilts. Those are the two things I must get finished by a specified time this year. Thanks. Now -- since we've both done something like this before, and we both have unfinished items - what type of accountability should we install?

    1. I'm using Google calendar also. I've got it set to send out reminders. I did that last year and although not 100% effective in getting me writing, it did work well enough.

      Doug and I are using a once a month check in online to update us on our progress and probably nag a bit. We haven't got all our details ironed out but as soon as we do, I'll post it. And you're welcome to join in and do the same. We're supposed to meet online tonight to get started. 8 p.m. If you can't join us, that's fine. We will set an email update system to pick up the slack.

  2. Sorry to hear that you are feeling depressed. I know this is a very hard time of year for you. Maybe the writing will help a bit. Maybe planning a trip to Englad would help?

    1. That may be my next trip, Jilly. There are some things happening right now that are going to affect several areas of my life. I'm not sure what direction I'm going to be going. I'm being cryptic, I know but at this point, I don't want to say too much as it affects others.

      Thank you for thinking of me.

  3. I'm hoping this year will find me back in the habit of writing. But there are soooo many other things demanding my time and energy. I've got to get it all scheduled and keep on the schedule. Thanks for the link.

    1. Glad to see you, Nancy! Hope you're doing well! Hope the calendar helps.


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