Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Wish Me

The new year arrived with a fizzle. I prayed it in and then sat and watch YouTube videos until about 2 a.m. Somewhere in the distance there were fireworks, but I didn't look out.  It didn't matter.

The kittens woke me at 8 as they do every morning. Jet seems to think he will die if he doesn't eat something. He's a stressful eater, bolting the food as quickly as possible. I suspect in his previous life before the shelter he had to compete for food. I need to get one of those things that slow them down but Kiki is a laid back nibbler. They have their own bowls but she even waits sometimes for him to begin to eat first and a few times I've seen her sit and watch him until he's done. She takes what he leaves. She typically won't eat without him though, so feeding them in different areas is out. When we give them treats, we do separate them or she won't get any at all. 

I'd like to start the new year with a list of resolutions. You know, those things we all promise ourselves we'll do but then don't? Yeah. I'd like to do that this year. I won't. I can't stand liars and living with one would be impossible.

So, no resolutions for me. I could try a list of wants, I guess.

I want to pray more.
I want to write more and for that writing to be something worthwhile.
I want ...

Nevermind. That won't do anything but depress me. I want nothing. Nope, nothing. If I survive this new decade, I will consider myself infinitely blessed and have no need of anything but what I have now.  Food, shelter, clothing, bills paid, and abundant books and writing equipment. Even if said equipment is underutilized

Here's how things stand. I'm working on my weight. To lose it, not gain. I am trying to do more crochet for other people. I never do it for myself, anyway. I am trying to write, despite my block and hand problems.

That's it. I wish you a Happy New Year. 

Wish me a year of no heartbreak and no pain. Yeah, not very promising, is it?

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